A Mysterious Incident in the Haunted Hostel Room
This story was told by my roommate.So, I am narrating it in her context !!
I was studying in college. It was my 1st year. In my hostel I was was given room No.17-my lucky no. Everything was going awesome. I was sharing my room with nobody. And it was on ground floor so sometimes my boyfriend used to come to meet me. I was very happy with him. But all went wrong in 2nd year.
Now I was not alone.I had a company. A Bengali girl became my roommate. She was good. And i told her about my love life and she was happy for me. After sharing my room with her,my boyfriend still used to visit me. We were happy. we played together. Everything was well in place.But after few days. i saw something weird in my room.
one day wen i returned from my classes. i say my all things were spread here and there. I was confused as d door was locked and my friend did not come home in also. My room was looking like a mess. And only my side was disturbed. As if somebody was searching for something. I ignored it. what else i could do?
Another incident happened that day.It was midnight.I was fast asleep.suddenly i felt somebody tapped me on my leg!! I woke up i found my room full of smoke.i was unable to breath.I rushed to do other side of d room to wake up my frond.but she saw nothing no smoke.no suffocating.!!
Third incident made me mad.I was bat to sleep when I heard a scream outside my window.i ran.but when i reached there.The place was like nobody ever existed there.when i turned i saw someone sitting on my bed and then she slowly lied down straight. And then turned her face towards me. I ran like hell as i was alone in my room. She could not be my friend. I stayed all night in one of my friends room.And in d morning i asked for shifting.I was not that strong to handle these things anymore.
So i changed my room. And now i didn't saw that scary figure again. After a week,a tragedy happened. My roommate who was living with me in that room died.I was sure now that dis was that spirits work.I was fully numb and scared.My friend burned herself and ran like hell in d room-said the postmortem reports.
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