Rented House - True Story
This incident happen to me, back then when i used to be in my freshman year in college, as i was starting my second seasonal semester after a few months gap...
Basically our institute doesn't provide us separate dorm, so me and my cousin used to live in an rent house,, as i remember i went to join college ahead of my cousin.
One day when i was all alone sleeping in my room at night around 10 pm with only moon light present.. I was in deep state of sleep and i sense some one presence, laying beside me, ignore it for a moment as i thought it was my cousin because he used to sleep in my room sometimes, but then something caught my attention as it came in mind that my cousin isn't arrived yet..
I was frightened for a moment, even so i gain all my courage and pulled my head towards my back and see a really white mist or smoke like feature of girl near me, i was shocked and goose-bump over my body and in froze situation i stare at it for a second unconscious, then all of sudden that thing went and cross my body and when i look behind it vanished in thin air.. I ran out of my room as quick as possible went to my senior apartment near by told him everything...
Then he revealed the truth that when he used to be in his first year a girl hung herself to death were i am staying...
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