The Haunted Chair of Death: A Tale of Unending Doom
In the year 1702, a notorious murderer named Thomas Busby faced his final moments before execution. His last wish was to enjoy one final meal at his favorite pub in Thirsk, England. After savoring his meal, Busby stood up and ominously declared, “May sudden death come to anyone who dares sit in my chair.”
For centuries, the chair remained in the pub, becoming a chilling dare among patrons. During World War II, airmen from a nearby base frequented the pub, and it was noted that those who sat in the cursed chair never returned from their missions.
In 1967, two Royal Air Force pilots tempted fate by sitting in the chair, only to meet their demise in a truck crash shortly after leaving the pub. In 1970, a mason who tested his luck in the chair died that very afternoon after falling into a hole at his job site. The following year, a roofer who sat in the chair perished when the roof he was working on collapsed. Even the pub’s cleaning lady, who accidentally fell into the chair, succumbed to a brain tumor shortly afterward.
The list of victims grew, prompting the pub owner to move the chair to the basement. Yet, the curse persisted. A delivery man who took a brief rest in the chair while unloading packages met his end in a car accident that same day.
In 1972, the pub owner decided to donate the chair to the local museum. To prevent any further tragedies, the museum displayed the chair by hanging it five feet in the air, ensuring no one could sit in it by mistake. Since then, the chair has remained untouched, and no more lives have been claimed by its sinister curse.
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